Melbourne’s Most Mysterious Rooms

There’s something mysterious happening in Melbourne.

Under the veil of darkness (sometimes) and behind closed doors there’s some serious players making their way through some puzzling situations with their game face on.

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Can’t Say No to NaSoNgo

I love bright colours and I love shiny things. I also love handbags (some might say a little too much given the collection currently spilling out of my wardrobe) but who doesn’t need a bag for any and every occasion?!

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Merri Creek Mermaid

Turban + Earrings by The Human Chameleon, Sunnies are a fun find, Sequin Playsuit by Rosa Bloom

Melbourne, summer is finally here! Well OK not everyday feels like summer yet but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make the most of the warm(er) weather, while feeling like a mermaid!

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Carnival Guys

I may not be a guy (although I sometimes like to dress like one) but I know enough of them to understand their frustrations when it comes to ‘dressing up’ for special events. With this and my love for menswear in mind (I was meant to be a boy, so perhaps that explains it) I was pretty excited about styling fashionably fun menswear for spring racing.

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